Summer has arrived, the time when nature's heat takes hold!

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Ayurveda Summer Refresh

Ayurveda Summer Refresh



This is your simple and gentle seasonal reset with

Denise O'Dunn

This is your simple and gentle seasonal reset with

Denise O'Dunn

Join me from the comfort of your home for this 9-day summer-refresh.

I will guide you through each step of the process with my personalized support. We will come together as a group and you will receive a custom plan that is specific to you.

9-Day Virtual Program

July 11th - July 19th

Balance & Bliss Ayurveda Seasonal Reboots assist you in preserving doshic equilibrium during your transition from one season to another. Your body and mind need help processing the preceding season’s doshic attributes. A Seasonal Reboot teaches you dosha-balancing practices for a graceful transition.

Summer is a perfect time to refresh, relax, recharge!

Every living thing hits a grand stride in Summer. Summer is dominated by the Pitta dosha. The Pitta dosha is purposeful. Summer is a primary growing season. Summer is bright. Summer is hot. Summer spawns hurricanes. Pitta consists of fire and water. The nature of Summer and Pitta share the qualities of heat, intensity and transformation.

Summer is the season of vacation, disengagement from life’s pressures so you may let go of anything that burdens you. Summer is the season to find harmony in the vibrant energy around you, as you embark on a transformative journey of renewal.

However, depending upon your prakriti or native dosha combination, or your vikriti your current doshic state, Summer’s Pitta nature can lead to physical, emotional and mental imbalances – excessive heat, aggravated digestion and heightened emotional irritability.

In Summer’s Seasonal Reboot, I’ll introduce you to refreshing lifestyle adjustments, practical strategies to cool down both physically and mentally, soothing selfcare rituals and dosha supporting diet modifications, so you’ll be better equipped to navigate the summer with grace and serenity.

What you can expect

What you can expect

9 Days - 3 Phases

9 Days - 3 Phases

REFRESH - Days 1-3

  • Gradually eliminate certain foods, leading to whole cooked vegetables, beans, and grains
  • Modify daily activities
  • Apply mindfulness techniques

RELAX - Days 4-6

  • Eat a kitchari mono-diet
  • Begin internal and external oiling methods
  • Perform cleansing techniques

RECHARGE - Days 7-9

  • Slowly add nourishing and dosha-balancing foods back into your diet
  • Follow rejuvenation protocol
  • Restore the natural balance of the doshas


  • Once you've completed the 9-day program, you'll gently return to your daily life feeling cleaner, clearer, and refreshed.
  • You will move forward with conscious awareness and a practical understanding of how to lead a more balanced lifestyle.

Program Benefits

Program Benefits

  • Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas
  • Improves your digestion and elimination
  • Reduces cravings for sugary and salty foods
  • Kick-starts natural weight loss, when needed
  • Enhances the quality of your skin
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • Promotes mental clarity and the ability to focus
  • Rests your nervous system and restores a sense of calm
  • Creates awareness of negative and beneficial patterns

Sail through the summer season with ease!

All-inclusive program package provides:

  • Live pre- and post-program one-to-one consultations* - 60-minute pre-consult and 30-minute post-consult
  • Live group yoga sessions* - (3) 60-minute scheduled sessions (recorded to play anytime)
  • Live interactive group discussions* - (3) 60-minute scheduled sessions (recorded to play anytime)
  • Pre-recorded yoga video - 60-minute session
  • Pre-recorded relaxation audio - (3) 15-minute sessions and (1) 15-minute musical journey
  • Pre-recorded kitchari cooking video
  • Kitchari kit and recipe - organic basmati rice, yellow mung dal, cooking spices
  • Cleansing kit - digestive tea, cleansing herbs, castor oil, abhyanga oil, nasya oil, massage brush, tongue cleaner
  • Digital instructions, support sheets, calendar, and daily journal
  • Access to private Community group – ask questions, share experiences - offers instructor guidance and peer support
  • Email Support *Live Zoom virtual platform

You provide:

  • Fresh ingredients for kitchari and ghee or avocado oil
  • Ghee or Coconut oil for internal oleation
  • Prune juice for cleansing
  • Optional: Ayurvedic treatments or massage that you schedule in your area

All-inclusive Program Package


($795.00 itemized value … a $300.00 savings)

I can offer this reduced price due to the program’s group format

Attendance is limited so that participants can receive individual attention.

NOTE: Cleansing practices are not appropriate for everyone. Avoid if you are feeling sick or very weak, pregnant, breast feeding, or have a serious medical condition. The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your licensed healthcare physician before participating in any health care protocol. Herbal supplements can interact with pharmaceutical medications, seek advise from your doctor.

If you are unsure if this program is appropriate for you,

contact me at


What if I can’t make all the live classes or group discussions?

The classes and group discussions will be recorded and made available directly afterwards to be accessed at the best time for you each day.

Can I still work and continue my daily activities during the program?

Yes, while it is ideal to reduce your daily demands as much as possible during the program, you can continue to work and meet necessary requirements. Phase 2 of the program (Friday – Sunday) is the primary cleansing period. It would be best to stay home and take it easy during phase 2.

How much time will I be involved in the program each day?

You can expect to spend between a total of 1 to 3 hours in scheduled or recorded activities, in food preparation, self-care techniques, etc. throughout each day of the program. Devoting as much time as you can each day towards resting and restoring yourself, will enhance your benefits.

How can I expect to feel during the program?

This Ayurvedic renewal program is a gentle way to effectively rest and restore your bodily tissues and systems. It offers a balanced approach to reducing excesses while improving deficiencies. Although the process of internal cleansing is a gradual one, you may experience shifts in your energy and mood as you move towards rejuvenation.

Will I be fasting during the program?

No, there is no fasting during the program. The Ayurvedic approach is to rest your digestive system by eating an easily digestible mono-diet of kitchari during phase 2 of the program. This helps to facilitate your body’s natural cleansing process. Phase 1 involves slowly eliminating certain foods from your diet. Phase 3 guides you to gradually introduce healthy, dosha balancing foods back into your diet.

What is kitchari?

Kitchari is a soft-cooked mixture of grains and legumes. The kitchari recipe for this program combines basmati rice, mung dal (split lentils), vegetables, and digestive spices. Kitchari is a delicious whole-food meal that provides essential nutrients to sustain you during the cleansing phase of the program.

What is internal oleation?

In Ayurvedic cleansing, internal oleation involves ingesting ghee (clarified butter) to prepare for the mobilization and elimination of tissue residue through saturation. Coconut oil can be used to replace ghee if you are vegan.

Do I have to join the group classes and discussions?

No :-) These are offered for those of you who enjoy and benefit from a "group" dynamic. You are welcome to view the recorded sessions instead, interact with me privately and enjoy your 'self' time.

What if I have questions during the program?

I am available to answer your questions all through the program. You can post questions on the closed Facebook group page or email me for any specific questions that you would like to discuss privately.

Do you offer this type of program privately where I can schedule at the best time for me?

Yes! I offer private "reset" programs that can be scheduled at your convenience. For more information, email me at

Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda Practitioner and Yoga Instructor

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About Me

I am a life-balance mentor, Ayurveda practitioner and yoga instructor, focused on helping you to experience your personal balance through the principles and practices of Ayurveda.

Your personal balance starts with understanding your unique nature and how you respond to the choices you make on a daily basis.

Your personal balance is maintained when you follow daily and lifestyle routines based on your individual nature and the rhythms of nature around you.

I am here to guide you along your personal path to balance and bliss.